
DropGalaxy News

28 Oct 2023

New Feature Alert: Seamless Google Drive Uploads on DropGalaxy!

Dear users,

DropGalaxy website now offers support for Google Drive links, enabling
you to seamlessly upload files via remote upload. Simply paste your
Google Drive link into the remote upload input, and initiate a swift and
hassle-free upload process.

best regards,

14 Oct 2023

change all your current dgdrive.xyz links to new link


If you have your own WordPress website, you have the option to update links. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open your website's phpMyAdmin.
2. Select the appropriate database and table.
3. Click on the SQL tab.

Now, execute the following SQL query:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'dgdrive.xyz', 'dgdrive.pro');

That's all there is to it. Your links will be replaced in one go.

Best regards,

6 Jul 2023

New Website Adress - dropgalaxy

Dear DG Uploaders ,

if you are facing dns error while accessing dropgalaxy.co or banned dropgalaxy.com in your ISP (INDIA, PAKISTAN) then use this alternative link= DropGalaxy.co

bookmark now for uploaders.

thank you.

4 Feb 2022

Airtm and Paxum available on DropGalaxy!

Hello dear Uploaders,

now you can request payout in Airtm / Paxum methods also in DropGalaxy.

best regards,

5 Jan 2022

News for uploaders

hello dear users,

Good news for DropGalaxy users:
Max paid downloads/last 24hour 2 times from same IP address.
now you can disable annoying popups ads from your files in your account.
also you can watch your uploaded videos online in DropGalaxy site.
@DropGalaxyUploaderbot with this telegram bot also you can upload your files to your registered DropGalaxy Account.
this is it for now, keep your attitude positive and fight the coronavirus by staying home, staying safe.

Best Regards,

5 Jan 2021

ADBlock Detection Option Added

Hello dear User,

Now you can Enable Force users to disable Adblock in MyAccount Configuration.
by this option enabling downloading users have to disable their adblock.
thanks for being with us.

Best Regards,

13 Jun 2020

DropGalaxy API added

Hello dear Users,

we have added https://dropgalaxy.docs.apiary.io/  API where you can check your stats and file upload etc.

Best Regards,